drop-in to impro

a taste of improvisation
These drop-in sessions are the perfect way to get an introduction to our practices. Here, we play improvisation games, move around our virtual as well as our physical space, and experience creativity in our daily lives.
Open to all, we enter through shallow waters. As we get comfortable splashing around, we gradually dive deeper into the pool of our own experiences. Each week is different as all sessions are specifically crafted for the people who are there.
This is an opportunity to connect with people around the world by sharing connection and laughter. All sessions are designed to be light-hearted and playful, while opening space for (inter)personal reflection.

The structured session lasts 60min, after which the Zoom room stays open for 30min of casual conversation. These sessions are participatory in big groups and small breakout rooms.
Our drop-ins are not performance based, though performers can surely benefit from practicing relating improvisationally to themselves, others, and their spaces.
You can drop in once or join as many as you like. Joining instructions will be sent via email upon receiving your booking. Places will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
I feel you create a container for playfulness, experimentation, thought and newness which is produced through a combination of all those participating. To be part of the session means playing with ideas, some familiar seeds, some novel - and with those seeds tended to, comes so much wishing far beyond the drop-in.
- Davina Burgess
- Taj Baker
I'm always looking for oniline improv that has a certain kind of feel; connective, fun, inviting spaces. This turned out to be exactly that - connective, inviting, and fun.
I am enjoying the depth of the work and play, and the variation of the exploration. The interchange with the participants is brilliant. It is a growing portal to this wonderful philosophy of developing the collaboration between people being encouraged, and allowed to express and experience their deeper authentic selves.
- Robert Lowe