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We actively seek out multiple narratives and perspectives. Every bit of knowledge can lead to a new understanding.


articles on improvisation

enticing scripts: making improvisation (im)possible

Authors: Aaron Seitz & Angelina Castellini

Published in 2022 by unpsychology magazine

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Making it up as you go along... improvising your way to an Olivier Award

Author: Angelina Castellini

Published in 2016 by Sardines Magazine

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Comment, message us, share your insights with anyone you think might benefit from going on an improvisational journey!

impro studio blog

Our blog is continuously in-progress, meaning that we sometimes edit these pieces post-publication. By doing so, we all grow together and respect the always changing nature of our world and work.

As we begin to sense that change might occur, it can be helpful to pick your own challenges, pendulating between comfort and uncertainty.


impro studio graphics


impro studio value here and now: we open, love, and invest our full heart into what we do. As impulses emerge, we encounter what arises in the moment.

We have created a set of 12 cards to represent our improvisation values. You can view and download the whole set on our ethical practice page.

hearing graphics

SSD L, hyper, tinnitus L 2.png

To enhance understanding of what it means to have hearing impairments, we have created a large set of infographics showing a wide variety of hearing abilities. You can view and download the set on our hearing graphics page.

The process of writing scripts is one of trial and discovery as we say to ourselves over and over again: "New Choice!"

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