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impro studio logo. black outline of a square with a brushstroke zen circle covering the bottom right corner. the circle is open at the bottom right. impro studio is written in the centre of the circle.

with scripts

This is a script


Scripts tell us who to be and what to do in specific situations. Like script writers, we create internal maps which help us orient through the territory of life. These life-scripts give us a frame of reference amidst uncertainty.


However, when our scripts solidify and become rigid, they can outlive their welcome, dominate our in-the-moment connection with people, and hinder our development. As we forge our identity with them, our scripts become who we say, think, and are.


This workshop series is for anyone who wishes to explore their inner beliefs, habits, and script structures. Through individual, pair, and group activities, we will navigate the territory of uncertainty, moving between solid structure and creative freedom.


Life is an ongoing improvisation. Thus, we train our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and relational flexibility to create space for new ideas and choices to emerge.


Open to all, these two sessions will gently guide you along a weaving path. These sessions are participatory in big groups and small breakout rooms.

Dates: TBC September

Weekday: TBC September

Times: TBC September

timezone converter

Session Duration: 2 hours

Location: Zoom/Online

Access Req: audio, visual, gentle movement

Language: English

Group Size: max. 20 people

Contribution: TBC

Pay what you can afford.

Frequently Asked Questions


Our coordinator and facilitator:

Angelina Castellini square.jpg

Joining instructions will be sent via email upon receiving your booking. Places will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.


Read Angelina's and Aaron's article "enticing scripts' making improvisation (im)possible" on p.86 in the free unpsychology magazine warm data anthology:

unpsychology magazine cover.png


I felt more groovy, grounded and optimistic of possibility after the session. I attribute this to the friendly and encouraging vibe you spin.

The wonderful things that people offer when thinking on the hoof brought chuckles of recognition and sparks of inspiration.


Screenshot of a testimonial for impro studio

I am enjoying the depth of the work and play, and the variation of the exploration. The interchange with the participants is brilliant. It is a growing portal to this wonderful philosophy of developing the collaboration between people being encouraged, and allowed to express and experience their deeper authentic selves.


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